Costa Rican Agriculture: From Coffee to Bananas

Costa Rican Agriculture: From Coffee to Bananas

Costa Rica’s agriculture is one of its most important natural resources, contributing significantly to its overall economy. Home to over 5% of the world’s biodiversity, along with impeccable climate conditions and numerous ecological zones, Costa Rica’s soil and climate are ideal for rich agricultural production. Roughly 36% of Costa Rica’s land is zoned for agriculture, contributing to 14% of the country’s job force. The nation’s agricultural sector is a vibrant tapestry of diverse crops that sustain its economy and support its reputation as an environmental leader.

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A Brief History of Costa Rica: A Journey to Independence and Modern Success

A Brief History of Costa Rica: A Journey to Independence and Modern Success

Beginning in the 15th century, Spanish missionaries began colonizing Central and Latin America, claiming the region as part of the Spanish empire. Central America established its independence from Spain in 1821, and Costa Rica’s history formally began in 1823 as a part of the United Provinces of Central America. Costa Rica later declared its independence on August 30, 1848, establishing itself as a formal nation.

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